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Plastics & Rubber Instrumentation

Versaperm, a world leader in water vapour permeability is launching an entirely new instrument for the fast and accurate measurement of water vapour permeability in plastic and rubber materials, products and containers. The majority of films, plastics, coatings and polymers are impervious to liquid water, but many of them allow water as a vapour to pass straight through. This can cause widespread problems � from packaged drugs loosing effectiveness through to equipment failing, or cornflakes going soggy. Water is both the world�s most damaging contaminant and its most beneficial substance. Water vapour is both omnipresent and highly invasive. Using materials with inappropriate vapour permeabilities costs the UK alone considerably over �100M every year and needlessly reduces the active life and effectiveness of a huge range of preparations. The Versaperm WVTR (Water Vapour Transmission) MK VI meters� highly automated computerised control can cope with several samples at a time and still give a reading in as little as 30 minutes for some materials. The conventionally gravimetric measurement technique takes several days and gives significantly less accurate/reproducible results. The MK VI needs very little re-calibration and requires, at most, minimal training to give results that can be accurate to better than one part per million (with some samples a few parts per hundred million). Sensitivities are typically in the range 0.05 � 3200 g/m2/day. A wide variety of options are available, depending on the specific applications, but both single and multi-sample systems, plus a range of measurement chambers and sensors can be supplied for testing samples from the size of a thimble up to a pallet load and beyond.

Company: Versaperm Limited

Telephone: 0044 1795 430490

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.versaperm.co.uk

Category: Testing, Inspection, Measurement, Lab Equipment


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